GO | School for Information
Continuous Professional Development
Educating information professionals for the future
Upcoming Courses
The New RDA (Online)
After years of preparation, a completely new version of the metadata standard RDA (Resource Description and Access) came into effect on December 15, 2020. The standard is now fully in line with principles and practices that are common to linked data.
Strategic Use of Social Media (Online)
In times of Information Overload it is not easy to be noticed on Social Media. At the samen time are Social Media essential in communication to customers, users of your services and your target adience. Choosing the right platform and right content for the selected audience is key for succes!
Professional Internet Research (Online)
The secret of effective and efficient searching for information lies in the skill to formulate a clear research question, a structured approach and the right search strategy.
MARC 21 (Online)
MARC is of great importance for the digital exchange of information. It is widely used as the standard format for bibliographic data. An Information specialists has every reason to get to know MARC 21
Records Management
Managing and preserving documents is essential for the daily operations for every organisation. Especially governance and compliance are important in the digital era.
Advanced Patent Information Course (APIC)
Succesful innovation is inseparable from the proper use of Patent Information. However, the management of Patent Information comes with its own issues.
Advanced Internet Search (online)
Internet search? It all seems so easy. Just Google and you will always find the right relevant information. Or donât you? Â We, as Information Specialists, all know there is often a lot more to be found than the first page of Google results.
Gettin started as a Community Librarian
With the change in the role and function of the library, the desired competencies of employees are also changing. One of the trends that has emerged recently is the transition to a âcommunity library”.
Improving findability; the basics of tagging, metadata and keywords
Finding content is more than just search: metadata, tags and keywords are an important aspect of improving the findability of content. However, adding these tags to content, also called indexing, is not as easy as it might seem.
Disruptive Technologies and New Skillsets in Library 4.0
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), drones, robotics and blockchain technology, are all examples of fourth industrial revolution (4IR/IR 4.0)Â technologies which have impacted how we live, learn, work, play, and interact with each other.Â
Marketing of Information Services
As an Information Professional you have a lot to offer. Learn how to make sure your Information Services are getting the attention they deserve!
QPIP exam training
This module of the Advanced Patent Information Course prepares you in 2 sessions of 6 hours for the Qualified Patent Information Professional -exams (QPIP).
Searching for information with AI
A half-day course on the possibilities, limitations, and changes in searching with the help of AI (content generators).
Introduction Knowledge Graphs
This workshop gives an introduction to Knowledge Graphs: what are they, how are they structured and how are they used? And what do slogans like RDF, triples, semantic web and ontologies have to do with this?
Latest news
New course: Archiving and AI
GO | School for Information presents a new course: Archiving and AI With the emergence of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, everyone now has the opportunity to experiment with Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has been present for quite some time, and various...
GO will be attending CIL 2025
GO | School for Information will be present at Computers in Libraries 2025. This year we will be hosting a 3 workshops! Libraries Adapting to Change The Computers in Libraries conference and exhibition, organized and produced by Information Today, Inc., provides a...
Visit us at Acuril 2024 in Guyana
Again this year, GO is attending the Acuril Conferene between May 12 and 16 as a sponsor and provider of several workshops. You can visit our booth for training advice as well as attend our workshops on AI and its applications in Georgetown, Guyana. Before the...
About GO | Opleidingen
For more then 65 years GO | School for Information is specialist educator in the field of Information Services. We offer a wide range of courses for information professionals. All activities are practical and immediately applicable in your daily work.
About the Information Hero
An Information Hero is like a superhero, but instead of dealing with natural disaster, creepy criminals or lifethreathening situations he / she deals with the superpower of information!