Introduction in AI for libraries


1-day session on using (generative) AI applications in the library.
In recent months, not a day goes by without Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chat GPT-like applications being in the news. These so-called generative AI applications can count on both positive and negative reactions. To get a good idea of what exactly these types of applications are, what they do, what the dangers and benefits they provide for libraries it is important to gain basic knowledge -and insights into AI and its applications. Firstly to educate your patrons and stakholders, secondly to improve your own (information) services.
In our 3-hour session ‘AI in the library and media library’ we discuss Chat GPT and similar applications and their role within information services.

Objective / Results

After the session, the participant will have sufficient knowledge and insight to determine to what extent (generative) AI applications can contribute to better information services for their own organization.

Target audience

The training is suitable for anyone who wants to gain more knowledge and insight into how to properly deploy (generative) AI in information services.


During the session, the following topics will be covered in an interactive way:
  • What is (generative) AI and how does it work?
  • Some useful applications
  • Getting better results with (Generative) AI
  • How can you use (generative) AI applications in service delivery?
  • Ethical use of (generative) AI (in education)
  • Examples, tips and pitfalls

19 June 2024 ( 1x 3 hour Online video class)

18 September 2024 ( 1x 3 hour Online video class)

USD 95,00 (VAT exempt)



09:00 AM – 11:30 EST / 16:00 – 18:30 CET

Tel GO: + 31 70 351 2380

Tel DLIS office:  + 1 (876) 927-2944

Tel DLIS Cell: + 1 (876) 796-4333