MARC21 (online video classes)

For decades the MARC standard (Machine Readable Cataloguing) formed the basis for cataloguing in libraries. Through the years, the MARC standard has adjusted to developments in the field of information, allowing cataloguing and processing of  traditional and non-traditional library materials  Although MARC is not always immediately visible it is used  in the background of most catalogue applications.

MARC is of great importance for the digital exchange of information. It is widely used as the standard exchange format for bibliographic data  and it complements the introduction of the new cataloguing standard RDA (Resarch Description and Access).

All information specialists should have a basic knowledge of MARC21 (the most recent version of MARC).

Target Audience

This course is aimed at librarians who are cataloguing or working with bibliographic information exchange. The course is also suitable for participants who want to deepen their understanding  of a specific standard used in information exchange.


During this 2 x 3 hour workshop our lecturer will guide you through the course material in an interactive and practical way to ensure that you not only get the required knowledge and insight but develop your skills as well.


The participant knows the different MARC21 standards and understands how these standards are used. The participant knows how to read the most important MARC21 fields. The participant is familiar with several practical examples of information exchanges done with MARC21.


The MARC21 course covers the following topics:

  • A brief history of MARC
  • The MARC formats (bibliographic, authority, holdings, classifications and community information)
  • Structure of a MARC record
  • Different types of MARC fields
  • MARC21 documentation
  • The future of MARC and RDA and MARC and BIBFRAME



Our teachers are Martijn van der Kaaij en Lian Wintermans, consultants at Heron Information Management LLP .


06 & 13 May 2025 (2 x 3 hour Online sessions)


€ 150,00 (VAT exempt)



2 sessions from 7:00 – 10:00 PM CET

Tel GO: + 31 70 351 2380

Tel DLIS office:  + 1 (876) 927-2944

Tel DLIS Cell: + 1 (876) 796-4333