The “Shark Tank” series critiques products that entrepreneurs hope will be funded by investors. This workshop adapts and adopts this approach – considering and critiquing ideas for library-related projects. What’s the project idea? Who will benefit? Will they be interested? Is the project worth the cost? Is there a payoff for the campus or community? Do the sharks believe it – and are they willing to help find investments and funds?
Six innovative project ideas are pitched to a panel of judges and the workshop participants. The judges or “sharks” don’t bite but they do question, evaluate and opine on the feasibility of these projects. Simultaneously, workshop participants collaborate in small groups discussing each pitch with the six criteria. The judging panel and workshop attendees vote for the top 2 projects pitched (maximum) that they are willing to advise on or assist in identifying potential funding or collaborations. Let’s see if the workshop participants and judges agree!
Project ideas will be judged on six criteria: the presentation pitch; scalability of the idea to other libraries; use of technology; UX; innovation; and potential return on investment. Have fun while learning to judge which projects should get the go ahead in your library!
If you want your idea to be pitched, discussed and possibly supported, submit your project idea by March 17, 2021 to Jane Dysart (
Everyone learns – everyone’s involved – and everyone gains new ideas and some critical thinking! Join in – as a pitcher or a participant! You won’t regret it!