GO | Escueala de Información también ofrece una selección de sus cursos en ingles:
Content Curation
In times of information overload it is essential to understand the importance of content and to be able to distribute it in the most effective way. Learn more
Internet Search
When you finished this course you are able to search deeper using more sophisticated search strategies so that you can find better and relevant results more quicklly and efficiently. Learn more…
Marketing of Information Services
During this 2 day workshop our lecturer will guide you through the course material in an interactive and practical way to ensure that you not only get the required knowledge and insight but develop your skills as well. Learn more…
Records Management
After this training you will understand the importance of proper document and records management and will be able to set up an accessible archive with an effective structure which is used and accepted by the organisation. Learn more…
Lifehacks for Information Specialists
There are a lot of free tools available to make our (information) life easier. Learn how to use them in an professional environment. Lean more…
Patent Information
Succesful innovation is inseperable from the proper use of Patent Information. However, the management of Patent Information comes with its own issues. Lean more…
Strategic Use of Social Media
At the end of the course you have the right insights in the strategic use of Social Media and be able to use it in an effective way for your organisation. And you have reached your self-stated goal. Learn more…
Innovative techniques and new skills in the library
New media applications make it possible to do much more with information than before. Get acquainted with various state-of-the-art information applications to be used during your daily work in the library. Learn more…
Space Information Management
Organizations with activities related to subjects such as: sustainable development, climate change and management of risks increasingly use information derived from observations from earth orbiting satellites. Lean more…
Professional Internet Research
The skill to conduct structured and strategic (internet) search is the key to successful, effective and efficient research support. Add value to your work as an Information Specialist! Learn more…
Internal Information Management
Organizations produce and acquire information in ever increasing quantities. But how do we keep the overview? Learn more…
MARC is of great importance for the digital exchange of information. It is widely used as the standard format for bibliographic data. An Information specialists has every reason to get to know MARC 21. Learn more…
After completing the course you will know why RDA is important, how it will change bibliographic records and what the consequences are for your daily work. Learn more…
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