Become a Qualified Patent Information Professiona!
Prepare yourself for the #QPIP exam in February
Obtain the ‘Qualified Patent Information Professional’ status for a new step in your professional career! This year we provide a comprehensive training program to prepare you for the highly valued QPIP exam. QPIP certification can be obtained by successfully passing the QPIP examination. The ISBQPIP will organise the exams in an online format at least once every two years in February. The exams are open for patent information professionals in all countries and will be provided for five time regions across the world. The exams are spread over two full days. The first exams are on 23 and 25 February 2021.
From 01 until 04 February GO | School for Information offers 4 x 3 hour online sessions which give you the perfect preparation to succeed in the exam.
The training is constructed with the help of WON and acknowledged by QPIP.