Patent Information
Succesful innovation is inseperable from the proper use of Patent Information, both concern the legal-patent aspects as well as the technical-scientific aspects of the innovation process. However, the use of Patent Information is often far from optimal for the following reasons:
- The lack of knowledge with the material, on one hand with the scope/meaning of the protection rights and, on the other hand, with the accessibility and retrievability of necessary information,
- Patent accessibility is very specific and deviates substantially from other kinds of publications,
- The technical-legal language in patent publications is not aimed generally at disclosing scientific information.
GO | School for Information organizes a basic course and refresher advanced courses in which these challenges will be addressed. The courses are organised under the auspices of Dutch Patent Information User Group (WON).
Basic Patent Information Course (BPIC)
The BPIC-course consists of seven modules, which can also be followed as refresher courses. The course will provide students with a solid knowledge in general, however, particular attention is given to patent searches, legal aspects, the accessibility and retrieval of patent information.
Advanced Patent Information Course (APIC)
The APIC-course consists of four modules (days), which can also be followed individually. These modules are meant for people with enough basic knowledge and experience of patent searching.
Visit our website for the details and enrollment of both our courses. Our location is Voorburg (The Hague) in the Netherlands.
23 March 2020, the Hague NL
For the starting dates of the Basic course and the seperate modules please check our website. For the Advanced course visit this webpage.
€ 4.800,00 (VAT exempt)
10:30 – 17:00
Tel GO: + 31 70 351 2380
Tel DLIS office: + 1 (876) 927-2944
Tel DLIS Cell: + 1 (876) 796-4333