GO | School for information presents 2 new courses on Information Management. Both courses are developed in collaboration with the experienced consultant dr. Paul Geerders.
GO | School for Information and Paul Geerders are very experienced in the field on Information & Document Management and the challenges organisation have to deal with in the transition from an analogue to digital information flows, retrieval and preservation.
The courses are based on thorough experience in the field on Information Management in the daily practice of organisations.
Internal Information Management
Organizations produce and acquire information in ever increasing quantities. But how do we keep the overview? Do we really profit at maximum from the internal information? How do we avoid that information is lost? The application of dedicated and pragmatic procedures and protocols for internal information management provides the solution. Read more…
Management of space information
Organizations with activities related to sustainable development, climate change and management of risks increasingly use information derived from observations from earth orbiting satellites. But how to adequately manage this information and provide it efficiently to the users? And how to integrate space information with information from traditional sources? Read more…