GO | School for Information provides 2 short online courses on search this August. Both courses are part of our 70th anniversary programm and therefore cost only USD 70,-
17 August 2020: What else is out there except the World Wide Web?
- 3 hour online session on the Global Digital Information Landscape beyond the World Wide Web.
- https://goopleidingen.nl/module/what-else-is-out-there-except-the-world-wide-web-online-70-years-go
21 August 2020: ‘Intelligent searching with intellingent queries
- 3 hours online in depth course on Boolean searchin for professionals.
- https://goopleidingen.nl/module/intelligent-searching-with-intelligent-queries-online-70-years-go-school-for-information
Your lecturer is Arno Reuser, OSINT specialist.